Contact Us
Existing bookings
Do you have an existing booking?
If you would like to contact us about your existing booking, to either make a change or make a payment, please visit the My Sunshine section of the website.
If you need to speak to someone in our contact centre, please check your booking paperwork for our customer service telephone number.
Support in-resort
Sunshine provides in-resort support during our office hours and additionally, we provide a 24/7 support service for emergencies.
The in-resort phone number can be found on your booking confirmation paperwork, which will have been sent to you by email.
Customer Service opening hours:
Monday - Saturday: 08:30 - 16:00
Sunday: Closed
Telephone number 0371 512 2004
Live Chat opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday - Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00
If you have a query about your insurance, please refer to your insurance documentation for contact details. This will have been sent to you by email.
Booking over the phone
The simplest and most efficient way to book is via our website.
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